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The Coalition to Close the De Minimis Loophole

The Coalition was formed to amplify the urgent need to reform a loophole in federal law known as Section 321, which allows packages valued at less than $800 to enter the U.S. without facing any taxes, fees or inspection. As a result, this cripples domestic manufacturers and workers, undermines retailers, strains law enforcement resources, and facilitates the free flow of illegal and dangerous products and illicit drugs, particularly fentanyl—the leading cause of death for people ages 18-49. The Coalition is calling on Congress and the Administration to immediately close this dangerous loophole.


Among its key objectives, the Coalition is dedicated to increasing awareness and education around the harmful impacts of de minimis, a loophole being exploited by China and other foreign entities to facilitate a flood of fentanyl and other illicit drugs, products made with slave labor, and counterfeit and toxic consumer products into the U.S. market. 

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